Posts tagged Asian
6 Asian American Triple Crown Hikers to Follow

Every year, thousands of thru-hikers embark on the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT), Appalachian Trail (AT), or Continental Divide Trail (CDT). However, only a select few achieve the coveted Triple Crown by completing all three, trekking nearly 8000 miles across the American wilderness. Here are six Asian American Triple Crown hikers who have defied stereotypes by taking the road less traveled. 

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16-Year-Old Kyra Poh Is an Indoor Skydiving World Champion

Kyra Poh's distinct style of indoor skydiving is the product of immense dedication and over 300 hours of body flight in wind tunnels across the world. In between busy training and competition schedules, Kyra graciously spent some time sharing her thoughts about her journey thus far—her recent projects, sources of inspiration, and creative process.

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